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AWS Control Tower Setup Guide


AWS Control Tower is a comprehensive service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that facilitates the setup and management of a multi-account AWS environment. It provides centralized management capabilities, simplifying the implementation of security and compliance controls across your AWS accounts. By leveraging AWS Control Tower, organizations can achieve governance and scale in their cloud infrastructure deployments.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up AWS Control Tower, creating a landing zone, and configuring organizational units (OUs) to structure your AWS accounts effectively. Whether you are managing a single AWS account or a complex multi-account environment, AWS Control Tower streamlines the administrative tasks and ensures adherence to organizational policies.

Enforcing Mandatory Tags for Azure Resources using Azure Policy


As organizations expand their operations in the cloud, managing resources efficiently becomes crucial. One effective strategy is enforcing the use of mandatory tags for Azure resources. Tags provide metadata that can be used for resource organization, cost tracking, and access control. This blog post will guide you through implementing a policy in Azure Resource Manager to enforce mandatory tags for resource groups.

Steps To Monitor Memory Utilization of EC2 Instance with CloudWatch

Monitoring system performance is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a powerful monitoring service called CloudWatch, which allows you to monitor various metrics of your EC2 instances, including CPU, memory, and disk utilization. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to set up monitoring for these metrics using CloudWatch.

How to Enable SASL/PLAIN Authentication in Apache Kafka

This document outlines the steps required to enable SASL/PLAIN authentication in Apache Kafka, a popular distributed event streaming platform. SASL/PLAIN uses a simple username and password mechanism for authentication, which is suitable for environments where SSL/TLS is used to encrypt connections.


  • Apache Kafka installed and running
  • Basic knowledge of Kafka configuration and administration
  • Access to the Kafka and Zookeeper configuration files

Building a CI/CD Pipeline for Azure Blob Storage with GitHub and Azure CLI

Title: Building a CI/CD Pipeline for Azure Blob Storage with GitHub and Azure CLI


In today's fast-paced software development environment, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have become essential tools for delivering high-quality software with efficiency and reliability. Azure Blob Storage, a scalable object storage solution in the Azure cloud, offers a convenient way to host static website files, making it an excellent choice for deploying web applications. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of setting up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub, Azure DevOps, and Azure CLI to automate the deployment of static website files to Azure Blob Storage.

FSTAB Mounting

When we connect an external drive, by default, Linux OS (or Ubuntu Server) doesn't automount the external drive at startup. We can mount it very easily using the mount command but we want to enable automount feature on startup. So, we don't need to mount the drive again after restarting or logging into Linux OS.

Setup of jenkins master agent and slave agent on AWS ec2 instance


In the realm of continuous integration and deployment, Jenkins stands as a powerful automation tool that streamlines the software development process. By leveraging Jenkins Master and Slave agents, you can distribute workloads across multiple nodes, optimizing performance and scalability. This step-by-step guide is designed to walk you through the process of setting up Jenkins Master and Slave agents on AWS EC2 instances.

Flyway Migration Documentation


The Flyway migration process involves configuring Flyway with database connection details, creating an initial migration script (V1__Create_person_table.sql), and executing the migration using a Docker command. This applies defined changes to the database schema.

Verification is performed through a separate Docker run using the info command, displaying the current schema version and migration history. This systematic approach ensures organized and version-controlled database schema evolution.